A Talk With Bain Butcher In a Lounge Chair


I have been taking classes taught by Bain Butcher over the last two semesters. His teaching style deals with a lot of emphasis on technical detail and sharpening his student’s skill sets. I had the opportunity to sit down with Bain (who is also a practicing doctor) and ask him questions about his studio space and inspirations. Bain majored in medicine and art throughout his college career. He would shift between both art school and medicine until he finished undergrad. His artwork is centered around the human figure and beauty of it.

Bain Butcher is currently reforming his studio but he explained the importance of a studio and what his studio looks like. Bain’s like his studios to have a lot of workspace. He explained the benefits of having a big workspace. With a big work space you have the ability to have many different projects in progress set up, so you can shift from one to the other if your stuck. Having the space to move between different projects allows an artist to get as much work done as possible. Another good reason for having a massive workspace is having the room available to work on projects that are fifteen feet big, that you could not possible do in the confines of your room. Bain does mostly oil paintings and drawings of portraits. Bain likes having a studio outside of his house because it gives him the ability to shift between being an artist, physician, father and husband.

The work that he is doing now is inspiring and amazing. He lectures at the College of Medicine and teaches at the College of Art in the University of Cincinnati. He is currently trying to create a cross discipline between to the two fields because art and the study of medicine relate to one another. Like a modern day Leonardo da Vinci he is bringing attention to students who study medicine, explaining that the knowledge of drawing the human figure will only help them be better a better doctor. Bain inspires me to work with art education even more because I want to change the way art is taught. My dream is make Art apart of the core curriculum in grade school throughout high school.

This is his work This Is Bain